Hong Kong ESG taxonomy and its global regulatory synergies

Download PDF View Legal Terms Green Classification Framework for Hong Kong Hong Kong ESG Taxonomy and Global Regulatory Synergies While the European Union has been leading on ESG initiatives – EU Taxonomy, Pillar 3, and Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) – the impact of climate change does not recognize borders, and so climate-risk assessment is […]

Basel III Endgame NPR Ushers In a New Era

Download PDF View Legal Terms Basel III Endgame NPR Ushers In a New Era US Regulators Issue Basel III Endgame NPR Ushering In a New Era for Capital Management and Reporting Scope The long-awaited US Federal Reserve’s NPR issued on July 27, 2023, encompasses significant changes across all pillars of regulatory capital risk measurement including […]

DRSAC brings drastic changes to banks operational priorities

Download PDF View Legal Terms Brazil DRSAC Report Banco Central Do Brasil ESG Reporting Framework The environmental, social, and governance (ESG) trend — supporting corporate and individual demand to better quantify and understand the impacts of our actions on the planet — continues its march around the globe. Each region (EMEA/EU Taxonomy, APAC/ASEAN Taxonomy) or […]

Rude awakening re liquidity stress testing post the SVB crisis

Download PDF View Legal Terms More Liquidity Stress Testing: Is It Enough to Prevent Future Crises? After a very rude awakening, bankers and regulators prepare for a post-SVB world The dust is only just settling after the recent turmoil propagated by the rapid-fire failures of Silvergate Bank, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), and Signature Bank. Recall […]

Malaysia’s New Capital Adequacy Rules — Basel III Reporting

View Legal Terms New Capital Adequacy Framework for Basel III Reporting in Malaysia Just Around the Corner Navigating BNM’s Proposed Regulatory Capital Reform Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), the central bank of Malaysia, recently released three exposure drafts (ED) outlining its proposed transition to Basel III reporting requirements and implementation guidance. Expected to take effect in […]

Global Shareholding Disclosure ― Turning up the Heat

View Legal Terms Global Shareholding Disclosure Regulations Turning up the Heat The first-ever application of simplified settlement of a fineable matter under a new Dutch sanctioning system involving a Netherlands-based global asset manager has placed the spotlight on the growing shift towards a zero-tolerance policy to non-disclosure by regulators globally. The penalties for late shareholding […]

FDIC Part 370 deposits reporting and ongoing bank failures

Download PDF View Legal Terms FDIC Part 370 Deposits Reporting Ongoing Regional Bank Failures: How Long Does the Market Turmoil Go On? With the latest domino having fallen on May 1, 2023, many people are talking about what may be contributing to the turmoil. There is the obvious, the currently “under review” deposit-monitoring requirement by […]

Basel IV in APAC (aka Basel III Reforms) – Finally Rolling!

Download PDF View Legal Terms Basel IV in APAC (aka Basel III Reforms) – Finally Rolling!Basel IV in APAC incorporates the latest and final internationally agreed-upon Basel III reforms for capital, market, credit, operational, and leverage risks, and regulatory disclosure/reporting guidelines. Notably these include major new calculation methodologies such as SA-CCR (the standardized approach for […]

Navigating Pillar 3-EU Taxonomy alignments and divergences

Download PDF View Legal Terms Pillar 3 ESG Reporting Solution A New Era Of Risk Management As public attention and efforts on environmental preservation and protection continue to grow, regulators around the world are responding with a host of rules and requirements that impact both financial and non-financial institutions. Previous blogs have covered the effects […]

MT to MX Migration, An ISO 20022-Driven Messaging Challenge

Download PDF View Legal Terms Key evolutions in the post-trade processing world The MT to MX migration — the focus of this article — is one of the most time-sensitive of many key evolutions in post-trade processing. Before delving into this topic, we invite you to peruse the newly released piece linked below. In “Going […]

7 key takeaways from fallen banks

Download PDF View Legal Terms Large Regional and Global Banks… Have all the dominoes fallen? What can institutions do now to avoid being the next domino in line? Five financial institutions have shuttered in just five months — four in quick succession in March alone — something that has not happened in almost a century. […]

Many CRR3 and UK Basel 3.1 deviations on the way to Basel IV

Download PDF View Legal Terms Basel IV An Arduous Path to CRR3 and UK Basel 3.1 in 2025 There has been significant regulatory activity since October 2021 when the European Commission published its CRR3 legislative package introducing the revised Basel III reforms (aka Basel IV) for euro-area banks. A year later, the Prudential Regulation Authority […]